Location List

594 potential locations in newly-arrived order.

Top > Location List
Search criteria
  1. 14
  2. 15
  3. 16
  4. 17
  5. 18
Locations by region
  • Hokkaido
  • Aomori
  • Iwate
  • Akita
  • Yamagata
  • Miyagi
  • Fukushima
  • Tokyo
  • Tochigi
  • Ibaraki
  • Gunma
  • Chiba
  • Saitama
  • Kanagawa
  • Niigata
  • Nagano
  • Yamanashi
  • Shizuoka
  • Toyama
  • Ishikawa
  • Gifu
  • Aichi
  • Mie
  • Fukui
  • Shiga
  • Kyoto
  • Osaka
  • Hyōgo
  • Nara
  • Wakayama
  • Tottori
  • Shimane
  • Okayama
  • Hiroshima
  • Yamaguchi
  • Tokushima
  • Kagawa
  • Ehime
  • Kochi
  • Fukuoka
  • Saga
  • Nagasaki
  • Kumamoto
  • Oita
  • Miyazaki
  • Kagoshima
  • Okinawa
Select Category
Historic Sites/Landmarks
  • world heritages
  • national treasures/important cultural properties
  • cultural properties
  • historic sites/gardens
  • natural reserves/sanctuaries/scenic spots
  • castles/castle ruins
  • samurai residence
  • shrines/temples
  • churches/chapels
  • cemeteries
  • other religious institutions
Offices/Commercial Facilities
  • offices/commercial buildings (exterior)
  • shopping malls, commercial complexes
  • large stores/suburban stores
  • inns/hotels
  • retail stores
  • traditional houses
  • restaurants/coffee shops
  • boutiques/specialty shops/drug stores
  • homes/residences
  • apartments/condominiums
Shopping Malls/Amusement Districts
  • markets/wholesale markets
  • shops in shopping arcades
  • restaurants & coffee shops in shopping arcades
  • halls/theaters/movie theaters
  • boutiques/specialty shops/drug stores
  • game arcades/pachinko parlors
  • bars/adult entertainment districts
Public Facilities/Halls
  • government & public facilities
  • public halls/assembly halls
  • halls/community centers
City Landscapes/Village Landscapes
  • City Landscapes
  • mountain villages
  • farm villages
  • fishing villages
  • urban areas/central city streets
  • residential areas near lakes & rivers
  • fields/pastures
  • farmlands/orchards
  • Nature
  • field of flowers
  • mountains/mountain trails/cabins
  • forests/woods
  • waterfalls/rivers/streams/canyons
  • lakes/swamps/reservoirs
  • Island
Hot Springs/Resorts
  • hot spring resorts/summer resorts
  • hotels/inns
  • cottages/lodges
  • train stations/station surroundings
  • roadside station
  • railway tracks/railway crossings
  • parking lots (indoor & outdoor)
  • airports/airport buildings/heliports
  • ports/harbors/piers
  • bus stops/bus stations
  • boats & ships (interior & exterior)
  • trains/streetcars/monorails
  • ropeways/cablecars
Parks/Recreation Facilities
  • parks
  • amusemetn parks/theme parks
  • game arcades/pachinko parlors
  • zoos/aquariums/botanical gardens
  • museums/art museums/resource centers
  • beaches
  • swimming pools (indoor and outdoor)
  • camping grounds/cottages
  • ski slopes/golf courses
  • halls/theaters/movie theaters
  • bowling alleys/billiard rooms
  • other facilities
  • wide streets with more than 3 lanes
  • roads with characteristics
  • roads and paths in mountains, forests, fields
  • slopes/hills/steps/stairs
  • bridges
  • tunnels
  • expressways/freeways/toll roads
  • office building interiors
  • office rooms/meeting rooms
  • residence interiors
  • restaurant and coffee shop interiors
  • shop interiors
  • other facilities
Ruins/Remains/Closed Down Facilities/Vacant Lots
  • industrial facilities/closed down factories/ruins
  • quarries/mines
  • train station ruins/dead tracks
  • industrial ruins/war ruins & sites
  • vacant lots
Rooftops/Downward Views
  • views from mountain tops & observatories
  • roofs/balconies
  • aerial photos/bird's-eye views
Schools/Hospitals/Police Stations/Fire Stations
  • elementary schools/junior high schools/high schools
  • colleges/universities/vocational schools
  • hospitals/clinics
  • police stations
  • fire stations/firehouses
  • Self-Defense-Force facilities/U.S. Force facilities
  • beaches/shores/coastlines
  • seashores on Pacific Ocean side
  • seashores on Sea of Japan side
  • lighthouses/wharfs/piers
  • harbors/ports/canals/aquafarms
  • underwater/caves/deserted islands
  • warehouse & factory exteriors (including bird's-eye view)
  • facility interiors
Location Doubles/Look-alikes
  • schools/educational institutions
  • police stations/fire stations
  • hospitals/operating rooms
  • expressways/highways/bridges
  • domestic/in Japan
  • overseas
  • extraterrestrial
Night Views/Night Sceneries
  • illuminations/lighted-up facilities
  • night views
Festivals/Indigenous Items
  • indigenous entertainments/festivals/intangible cultural assets
  • events/functions
  • Other
Select 360°VR tour / video
  • 360°VR tour
  • video
Select Others
  • Parking Available
  • Rest Area (rest station) Available
  • Restrooms Available
  • Past Shooting Info
  • Shooting Time Available
  • Requirements for Shootings
  • Application Deadlines
  • Explosions Possible
  • Places that look like other facilities
  • Use of Fire Possible
  • Use of Water Possible
  • Use of Drones Possible
  • Building Sets Possible
  • Closures Possible
  • Reservations Available