Location details
Top > Location List > Tateiwa standing rock
Tateiwa standing rock
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Location information
- Name
- Tateiwa standing rock
- Address
- Kyotango City, Kyoto
- Description
- This is a massive single rock that stands 20 meters high. It features a rough, linear surface characteristic of andesite. Along the sandy beach on the way to the rock, visitors can experience the scenery of the Sea of Japan right in front of them. Throughout the four seasons, various scenes can be captured here.
Contact info for inquiries
- Address
385-1, Aminocho Amino, Kyotango city, Kyoto Prefecture, 629-3101
- Contact Information
- Contact
- Inquiries on the WEB
Area Map
※ The above map is showing the name of the location and the place name to origin. It's sometimes different from an actual place, so please accept it beforehand.
Other locations in the vicinity
Shooting results
種別Title of WorkLinks
Movie千年の恋 ひかる源氏物語
Movie Director: 堀川 とんこう
Actor: 吉永 小百合 天海 祐希 常盤 貴子 -
Television Program水戸黄門
Actor: 東野 英治郎 西村 晃 里見 浩太郎 武田 鉄矢 -
Movie Director: 斎藤 耕一
Actor: 高倉 健 勝 新太郎 梶 芽衣子 安藤 昇