Location details
Top > Location List > Ichibancho Yonchome shopping street
Ichibancho Yonchome shopping street
Location information
- Name
- Ichibancho Yonchome shopping street
- Address
- Date of photo shooting
- June 2010
- Shooting Time
- Noon
- Weather at the Time of Shooting
- Sunny
Contact info for inquiries
- Address
6F Higashinihon Fudosan Sendai Ichibancho Building, 3-3-20 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi
c/o Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association
- Website
- https://www.sendaimiyagi-fc.jp/
- Contact Information
Area Map
※ The above map is showing the name of the location and the place name to origin. It's sometimes different from an actual place, so please accept it beforehand.
Other locations in the vicinity
Shooting results
種別Title of WorkLinks
Movie Director: 中村義洋
Actor: 堺雅人 竹内結子 吉岡秀隆 劇団ひとり 香川照之 柄本明