Film Commission
Kochi Film Commission

2-10-10 Kitahonmachi, Kochi city, Kochi Prefecture 780-0056
Newly listed locations
Ogata Akatsuki-kanKuroshiocho, Kochi Prefecture
Ogata Akatsuki-kan is a contemporary architecture built in 1998 with white modern exterior and huge steps, considered as a landmark in Kuroshio Town. The multi-purpose facility includes the Akatsuk...
View from Mt. HitsuzanKochi City, Kochi Prefecture
Although Mt. Hitsuzan is a small mountain a little south of central Kochi city with an altitude of only 118 meters, the view of Kochi City from the parking lot is simply stunning and beautiful.
Seashell GalleryTosashimizu City, Kochi Prefecture
Designed by Masako Hayashi, this seashell gallery is a rare shellfish exhibition hall in Japan. The building was selected by DOCOMOMO JAPAN and the Architectural Institute of Japan as one of the to...
Kuki Submersible BridgeNiyodogawacho, Kochi Prefecture
There are huge rocks under this submersible bridge, making it look quite different from other submersible bridges.
Odoyama ObservatoryOtsukicho, Kochi Prefecture
Odoyama Observatory is a great place to see the Odo Coast and Kashiwajima Island surrounded by crystal clear blue sea, making it look like a ship floating in the air. The island became famous on th...
Sukumo Machi-no-Eki HayashiteiSukumo City, Kochi Prefecture
Hayashitei (Hayashi Residence) was built in 1887 by Yuzo Hayashi, a politician from Sukumo City. Built for a politician, it has unique facilities such as a lookout room and a hidden ladder. The hou...
Midori no HirobaKochi city, Kochi prefecture
Square at the bank of Kagami river flowing in the center of Kochi city. Loved by citizens as a place of rest and relaxation.
Tenai portYasucho Tei Konan, Kochi Prefecture
historical port built in Edo era
Kumai tunnelKuroshio-town, Hata district, Kochi prefecture
tunnnle made with bricks only
Awa station of JRAwa, Susaki-city, Kochi prefecture
the station where over view the sea