Film Commission
Yamato Sakurai Film Commission

432-1, Odono, Sakurai, Nara Prefecture 633-8585
c/o Sakurai City Office
Newly listed locations
Stone buddhas at KanayaSakurai City, Nara Prefecture
Standing inside a small hall, there are two stone Buddha statues - one of the Shaka Nyorai and the other of Miroku Bosatsu, both 2.14 meters in height. The relief carvings on them flow in a beautif...
Shiba Sports Park General GymnasiumSakurai City, Nara Prefecture
A gymnasium located within the Shiba Sports Park in Sakurai City. The size of the gymnasium is 4,568.87 square meters and can seat up to 514 persons.
Tanzan shrineTounomine, Sakurai, Nara Prefecture 633-0032
red leaves
Hokiin TempleSakurai City, Nara Prefecture
Hokiin Temple is where Saint Tokudo (Tokudo Shonin), who founded Hasedera Temple, secluded himself from the world in his retirement. It was founded in 735 and is said to have been rebuilt in 1695 b...
Susano Jinja ShrineSakurai City, Nara Prefecture
Susanoo no Mikoto is enshrined at this former unranked shrine. The male rope and the female rope are joined here every year on February 11th at the Otuna Matsuri (Rope Festival).
GenpianSakurai City, Nara Prefecture
Genpian is a small Buddhist monastery where Genpin, a high buddhist priest, secluded himself from the world. Fudō Myōō (Acala) placed here is an important cultural property.
Wakamiyasha ShrineSakurai City, Nara Prefecture
Wakamiyasha, also known as Ootataneko Jinja Shrine, is an auxiliary shrine of Oomiwa Jinja Shrine. Ootataneko no Mikoto, the offspring of “Oomononushi no Ookami,” is enshrined here. An old tree stu...
Tsubaichi Kannondo ShrineSakurai City, Nara Prefecture
Markets were held in the old days. They no longer take place, but the word ‘market’ (ichi) remained in the name of the shrine. It is a place where young men and women used to exchange love through ...
Yokisan Tenmangu ShrineSakurai City, Nara Prefecture
Sugawara no Michizane is enshrined. It is believed that the original building was founded sometime in the early Kamakura Period. The current shrine was rebuilt in 1818.
Otowayama Kannonji TempleSakurai City, Nara Prefecture
A temple dedicated to the Senju Sengan Juichimen Bosatsu (Thousand-armed thousand-eyed eleven-faced Kannon Bodhisattva statue). The Bodhisattva is said to have powers to cure eye diseases. A ginkgo...