Location List
263 potential locations in newly-arrived order.
sawa592-1 Nishishinobi, Miyagawa, Hida city, Gifu
They have a shop and a factory.
retail stores boutiques/specialty shops/drug stores shops in shopping arcades boutiques/specialty shops/drug storesOther
Parking Available Rest Area (rest station) Available Restrooms Available Places that look like other facilities Reservations AvailableFavorites -
Gonshichi Water placeFunatsu,Kamioka-cho, Hida City
【Hida,Others】【Hida,Building】 One of the biggest water place of Kamioka. Go down narrow street and it located at the foot of the slope.
mountain villages OtherFavorites -
IORI STAY145 Onocho Furukawa Hida Gifu
【Hida/Building】 These house are renovated from old Japanese house, have air of retro also modern. They have a some houses in a town, same concept.
homes/residences mountain villages office rooms/meeting rooms residence interiorsFavorites -
Tanekura House243 Tanekura, Miyagawa-cho, Hida City
【Hida/Building】 It is a traditional old house. It has a sericulture room in a garret which was basic style of old house just in this area. A first and second floor is a living space.
homes/residences mountain villages farm villages OtherOther
Parking Available Rest Area (rest station) Available Restrooms Available Reservations AvailableFavorites -
An Assembly Holl 378Higashimachi,Kamioka-cho, Hida City
【Hida,Building】【Hida,Others】 An assembly is not used now.
government & public facilities office rooms/meeting roomsOther
Parking Available Rest Area (rest station) Available Restrooms Available Places that look like other facilitiesFavorites -
Shinwa-souKamioka-cho, Hida City
【Hida,Building】【Hida,Others】 It was a reception hall of Kamioka main. It has a characteristical coffered ceiling.
government & public facilities public halls/assembly halls OtherOther
Rest Area (rest station) Available Restrooms AvailableFavorites -
Anbou MountainKamikita, Furukawa, Hida City
【Hida,Nature】 It appears early morning and fall is the best season. We can overlook the city from there.
mountain villages Nature mountains/mountain trails/cabins forests/woodsOther
Parking AvailableFavorites -
Shinshuji TempleHida city, Gifu prefecture
Temple located alonb the Araki river.
Parking Available Rest Area (rest station) Available Restrooms AvailableFavorites -
Ikegahara MarshHora, kawai, Hida City Gifu
【Hida,Nature】 This marsh is just 3 minutes from car park. A promenade continue to far side of there.
natural reserves/sanctuaries/scenic spots mountain villages mountains/mountain trails/cabins forests/woodsFavorites -
Scenery of Snow season in KamiokaKamioka-cho, Hida City
【Hida,Landscape】【Hida,Nature】 This is a view of the city with snow. Zinc roofs are to be covered with snow.
City Landscapes mountain villages farm villages residential areas near lakes & riversFavorites -
A cityscape with Kamioka castle Kamioka-cho, Hida City
【Hida,Landscape】 Let us feel Nostalgia. A cityscape with Kamioka castle.
castles/castle ruins City Landscapes mountain villages farm villagesOther
Parking AvailableFavorites -
View of KamiokaKamioka-cho, Hida City
【Hida, Landscape】【Hida, Nature】 Corrugated iron roofs are created a retro atmosphere like old Japan, 40-50 years ago.
homes/residences apartments/condominiums mountain villages residential areas near lakes & riversFavorites -
Around Fujinami BridgeFunatsu,Kamioka-cho, Hida City
【Hida,Nature】【Hida,Landscape】 It depends seasons, you can see different sites. Red color of the bridge is a good accent of a landscape.
mountain villages residential areas near lakes & rivers waterfalls/rivers/streams/canyons bridgesFavorites -
Rail Mountain Bike Gattan Go!!Kamioka-cho, Hida City
【Hida,Others】【Hida,Station/Bus stop】 It is a discontinued rail line. It still remained and reused as new activity, running on the rail line by bicycle. You can shoot on rail way.
mountain villages train stations/station surroundings other facilities train station ruins/dead tracksOther
Parking Available Rest Area (rest station) Available Restrooms Available Places that look like other facilities Use of Drones Possible Reservations AvailableFavorites -
Unehata Community CenterHida city, Gifu prefecture
【Hida/Building】 Community center in the town which looks like an old Japanase school.
public halls/assembly hallsOther
Parking Available Rest Area (rest station) AvailableFavorites -
Honkoji TempleHida city, Gifu prefecture
【Hida/Shrine/Temple】 It has the most biggest main hall within made from wood in Hida area. One of buddhism statue is a Tangible cultural property designated by Gifu prefecture.
Parking AvailableFavorites -
Tomioka Shurine256 Miyanoo Miyagawa, Hida city
【Hida/Shrine/Temple】 There are house in the approach to the shrine. The gate to main hall, it's like a public street.
shrines/temples mountain villages farm villages residential areas near lakes & riversOther
Parking AvailableFavorites -
Seigan-ji Temple2-27 Kataharacho,Furukawa,Hida City
【Hida/Shrine/Temple】 It rebuilt 1589. This is a located in front of the city hall.
shrines/temples mountain villages farm villagesFavorites -
Yamada RiverHida city, Gifu prefecture
River in Hida city.
mountain villages residential areas near lakes & rivers waterfalls/rivers/streams/canyons bridgesFavorites -
Genshichi1018 Sugo Furukawa Hida Gifu
【Hida/Building】 There is a entire house of rental. It has small empty lot around the house.
homes/residences mountain villages farm villagesOther
Parking Available Rest Area (rest station) Available Restrooms AvailableFavorites -
Obora Kimono Shop2-15 Honmachi Furukawa Hida Gifu
【Hida/Building】 The store is a rental store of Kimono for tourist. It is an air of calm and Japanese.
retail stores boutiques/specialty shops/drug stores shop interiorsOther
Reservations AvailableFavorites -
Ask Sannou1613-1 Inagoe Kawai Hida Gifu
【Hida/Building】 There are locate in a mountain area. These stands in their grounds.
mountain villages OtherOther
Parking Available Rest Area (rest station) Available Restrooms AvailableFavorites -
YuMe House2809-1 Inagoe kawai Hida Gifu
【Hida/Building】 This accommodation located in a mountain area.
mountain villages OtherFavorites -
Yuwahku house350-1 Tsunogawa Kawai Hida Gifu
【Hida/Building】 This is a hot spring place. There is a eatery in there.
restaurants/coffee shops mountain villages OtherOther
Parking Available Rest Area (rest station) Available Restrooms AvailableFavorites