Location details
TopLocation List > Ishigaki Airport

Ishigaki Airport


Location information

Ishigaki Airport
Ishigaki shi, Okinawa prefecture
Ishigaki Island is the central island of the Yaeyama area. There is a physical distance of about 410 kilometers from the main island of Okinawa, which is comparable to that between Tokyo and Osaka, and there is no regular passenger ship service except for the surrounding remote islands. It is the entrance that welcomes you.
Date of photo shooting
December 2022
Shooting Time
Weather at the Time of Shooting
airports/airport buildings/heliports
Parking Available Rest Area (rest station) Available Restrooms Available Requirements for Shootings Application Deadlines
Parking Available comments
295 spaces (including 7 spaces for handicapped persons) *All are paid parking lots.
Rest Area (rest station) Available comments
There are restaurants and convenience stores on the premises
Restrooms Available comments
Toilet available
Shooting Time Available comments
There is no time limit for shooting, but we may make adjustments such as staggering the time for times when there are many arrival flights.
Requirements for Shootings comments
Except for the performers, all filming staff are required to wear armbands.
Application Deadlines comments
In principle, it is necessary to coordinate the shooting details with the person in charge at least 3 days before the desired shooting date. After adjustment, submit the filming permission application form. In addition, it is necessary to attach a proposal (one that shows the outline of the work / program) to the application form.

Contact info for inquiries

Okinawa Film Office
1831-1 Oroku, Naha city, Okinawa, Japan
201 Okinawa Industrial Support Center, 901-0152
Contact Information
Inquiries on the WEB

Area Map

※ The above map is showing the name of the location and the place name to origin. It's sometimes different from an actual place, so please accept it beforehand.

Other locations in the vicinity

Locations by region
  • Hokkaido
  • Aomori
  • Iwate
  • Akita
  • Yamagata
  • Miyagi
  • Fukushima
  • Tokyo
  • Tochigi
  • Ibaraki
  • Gunma
  • Chiba
  • Saitama
  • Kanagawa
  • Niigata
  • Nagano
  • Yamanashi
  • Shizuoka
  • Toyama
  • Ishikawa
  • Gifu
  • Aichi
  • Mie
  • Fukui
  • Shiga
  • Kyoto
  • Osaka
  • Hyōgo
  • Nara
  • Wakayama
  • Tottori
  • Shimane
  • Okayama
  • Hiroshima
  • Yamaguchi
  • Tokushima
  • Kagawa
  • Ehime
  • Kochi
  • Fukuoka
  • Saga
  • Nagasaki
  • Kumamoto
  • Oita
  • Miyazaki
  • Kagoshima
  • Okinawa
Select Category
Historic Sites/Landmarks
  • world heritages
  • national treasures/important cultural properties
  • cultural properties
  • historic sites/gardens
  • natural reserves/sanctuaries/scenic spots
  • castles/castle ruins
  • samurai residence
  • shrines/temples
  • churches/chapels
  • cemeteries
  • other religious institutions
Offices/Commercial Facilities
  • offices/commercial buildings (exterior)
  • shopping malls, commercial complexes
  • large stores/suburban stores
  • inns/hotels
  • retail stores
  • traditional houses
  • restaurants/coffee shops
  • boutiques/specialty shops/drug stores
  • homes/residences
  • apartments/condominiums
Shopping Malls/Amusement Districts
  • markets/wholesale markets
  • shops in shopping arcades
  • restaurants & coffee shops in shopping arcades
  • halls/theaters/movie theaters
  • boutiques/specialty shops/drug stores
  • game arcades/pachinko parlors
  • bars/adult entertainment districts
Public Facilities/Halls
  • government & public facilities
  • public halls/assembly halls
  • halls/community centers
City Landscapes/Village Landscapes
  • City Landscapes
  • mountain villages
  • farm villages
  • fishing villages
  • urban areas/central city streets
  • residential areas near lakes & rivers
  • fields/pastures
  • farmlands/orchards
  • Nature
  • field of flowers
  • mountains/mountain trails/cabins
  • forests/woods
  • waterfalls/rivers/streams/canyons
  • lakes/swamps/reservoirs
  • Island
Hot Springs/Resorts
  • hot spring resorts/summer resorts
  • hotels/inns
  • cottages/lodges
  • train stations/station surroundings
  • roadside station
  • railway tracks/railway crossings
  • parking lots (indoor & outdoor)
  • airports/airport buildings/heliports
  • ports/harbors/piers
  • bus stops/bus stations
  • boats & ships (interior & exterior)
  • trains/streetcars/monorails
  • ropeways/cablecars
Parks/Recreation Facilities
  • parks
  • amusemetn parks/theme parks
  • game arcades/pachinko parlors
  • zoos/aquariums/botanical gardens
  • museums/art museums/resource centers
  • beaches
  • swimming pools (indoor and outdoor)
  • camping grounds/cottages
  • ski slopes/golf courses
  • halls/theaters/movie theaters
  • bowling alleys/billiard rooms
  • other facilities
  • wide streets with more than 3 lanes
  • roads with characteristics
  • roads and paths in mountains, forests, fields
  • slopes/hills/steps/stairs
  • bridges
  • tunnels
  • expressways/freeways/toll roads
  • office building interiors
  • office rooms/meeting rooms
  • residence interiors
  • restaurant and coffee shop interiors
  • shop interiors
  • other facilities
Ruins/Remains/Closed Down Facilities/Vacant Lots
  • industrial facilities/closed down factories/ruins
  • quarries/mines
  • train station ruins/dead tracks
  • industrial ruins/war ruins & sites
  • vacant lots
Rooftops/Downward Views
  • views from mountain tops & observatories
  • roofs/balconies
  • aerial photos/bird's-eye views
Schools/Hospitals/Police Stations/Fire Stations
  • elementary schools/junior high schools/high schools
  • colleges/universities/vocational schools
  • hospitals/clinics
  • police stations
  • fire stations/firehouses
  • Self-Defense-Force facilities/U.S. Force facilities
  • beaches/shores/coastlines
  • seashores on Pacific Ocean side
  • seashores on Sea of Japan side
  • lighthouses/wharfs/piers
  • harbors/ports/canals/aquafarms
  • underwater/caves/deserted islands
  • warehouse & factory exteriors (including bird's-eye view)
  • facility interiors
Location Doubles/Look-alikes
  • schools/educational institutions
  • police stations/fire stations
  • hospitals/operating rooms
  • expressways/highways/bridges
  • domestic/in Japan
  • overseas
  • extraterrestrial
Night Views/Night Sceneries
  • illuminations/lighted-up facilities
  • night views
Festivals/Indigenous Items
  • indigenous entertainments/festivals/intangible cultural assets
  • events/functions
  • Other
Select 360°VR tour / video
  • 360°VR tour
  • video
Select Others
  • Parking Available
  • Rest Area (rest station) Available
  • Restrooms Available
  • Past Shooting Info
  • Shooting Time Available
  • Requirements for Shootings
  • Application Deadlines
  • Explosions Possible
  • Places that look like other facilities
  • Use of Fire Possible
  • Use of Water Possible
  • Use of Drones Possible
  • Building Sets Possible
  • Closures Possible
  • Reservations Available